Home Waldzither: Compensated Piezo Bridge Repro Bridges
Compensated Waldzither Bridge: to fit Piezo pickup This is a hand-made replacement bridge in ebony or rosewood and bone, to fit German waldzithers. It is a compensated bridge that allows a slightly longer scale length to the 2nd, 4th and 9th strings, but also is adapted to have a removable saddle for installation of an under-saddle Piezo Pickup. It is 120mm long, 15-20mm tall before fitting, and 8-10mm wide at the base, tapering to 7-8 at the top. The bone saddle is 60mm long and 4mmwide. The shoulders are decorated with MOP dots. The spread of string slots can vary between about 45-55mm. depending on the f/b width. It will suit required bridge heights of 10-20mm, depending on the top dome. It will need to be fitted, and a hole drilled for the Piezo Pickup. String slots may be omitted or altered if required. |