Japanese Mandolin Makers

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   There is a long history behind mandolins in Japan, dating back to the middle of the C19. The first known mandolin performance in Japan, was by Totsuji Shikama in 1894, a graduate of the first Japanese School studying western music. The first mandolins were probably made by Japanese luthiers before the turn of the century. The first mandolin method in Japanese was published in 1908. After the years of the First World War, interest in western culture continued to grow in Japan, and many mandolin orchestras were formed among the well to do. This trend was given a tremendous boost in 1924, when Raffaele Calace made an extended tour of Japan, even giving lessons, notably to Suzuki, who became a leading figure there after in Japanese mandolin circles, both composing and performing.
more Suzuki more Kunishima Rokutaro Nakade Otiai Tadao Yoshihiko Takusari
Nokuti Makoto Watanabe Toichiro Ishkawa Kanou Kadama Ochiai