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Comments on my site:
Hello Dave,  First, congratulations on your site, it's a fantastic database for mandolinists!...    Peter, Hungary
Hi there, I've viewed your website and can see you are very experienced when it comes to dealing with old mandolins and such! I have found a mandolin on Ebay and as I could think of no other person to ask, I was hoping you may advise me (merely out of the kindness of you heart!) as to whether you thought it was worth �60 and if indeed it has a chance of being restored. This is the Mandolin (Ebay member)
Thanks for responding! Wonderfull site you have.
Regains my hope to fix the instruments. Stan (UK)
Thank you Dave, I feel more confident now. When I will be finished, I'll try to put a few photos on my site, I will give you the link then. Thanks a lot, and  happy sunny summer to you ! Christophe  (France)
Dave hi,  I got the mandolin, many thanks!!! Looks and sounds nice.
Whenever you come to Cyprus let me know, I would be really happy to meet you and show you around. Your home page is excellent, a great encyclopedia for mandolin lovers and buyers.
Thank you again, Best regards, Constantinos.  (Cyprus)
Hi Dave - that was a quick response - thanks.
I have attached a picture. I see you have some similar ones in stock but I want to restore it as best I can to its original condition.  Brian (UK)
Hi Dave,
Thank you ever so much for your time and for sharing your expertise. Anyway, thanks again.  I have bookmarked your site and plan on spending some time there trying to soak up a bit of the large store of information which you are so generously sharing. George  (UK)
Hi Dave,
thanks for your quick reply.
I liked your web site and its nice to see someone who works with their hands getting some notice.  Roland (NZ)
Hi Dave,
After reading your excellent mandolin repair site. We are going to attempt to repair a Mandolin (Liuigi Corradotti - Figli) bowl type. Does it help if I send a photograph? Hope you can help with parts.....
Best Regards, Steve
Hi Dave
Thanks for your fast response.
I think your web site is great, well designed and informative.  The history section is wonderful, the best I have found and the only source of information on numerous makers that I have come across.  The picture gallery is a fine resource and in the absence of any books, probably the first port of call for any one researching historical aspects.  I would say the only improvement would be if you wrote a book about the subject.

Thamnks. Warren B. (UK)