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Raffaele Calace

  The Calace workshop was founded in 1825 by Nicola Calace, in the island of Procida near Naples. He started by making producing guitars. When he died, the tradition was continued by his son Antonio, who started making mandolins after moving to Naples. Antonio's two sons, Nicola and Raffaele, inherited his knowledge and business when he died. The brothers worked togheter making mandolins, but soon the superiority of Raffaele Calace as composer, musician and instrument-marker, caused conflict between the two. Nicola Calace emigratated to America in 1901, where under the name of Nicola Turturro he continued to build instruments. Knowledge of Raffaele's genius and talent became widespread. He composed more than 180 works for plectrum instruments, was universally acknowledged and became known as "The Paganini of the mandolin" for the vigour and expressivity of this work. He studied and improved the mandolin, achieving technically advanced instruments. 

He handed down his skills to his son Giuseppe Calace, who made high quality instruments. Giuseppe, in turn, handed down the secrets to his son Raffaele Jr. who, after the death of his father, has followed the family tradition since.

Raffaele Calace (1863-1934)    Giuseppe Calace (1899-1968)    Nicola Calace  

Calace Bros 1899 Calace Bros 1899 Calace 1897 Salvatore Calace 1903 Nicola Calace
Calace 1908 Calace 1908 Calace 1909 Calace 1912
Calace 1913 Calace 1914 Calace 1916  
Raffaele Calace 1931   Raffaele Calace & Son1963